Friday, March 27, 2020

Sample Tender Submission Letter

Shift Change Request Letter Format

March 27, 2020

Name of Addressee
Name of Company

Sub: Change in Work Schedule.

Dear Sir,

I would like to request for a change in my current work shift. I have already consulted with my superior about the possibility of changing shifts for attending family affairs. Accordingly, he has affirmed me that there is no problem in making this shift change from his part. However, he has told me that I must request the modification of my schedule in writing to the human resources department that you direct.

For your kind information, since [insert tenure, e.g.: 4 years] and to date, I have been working in the position of [insert designation, e.g.: Receptionist] on the morning shift. Recently, I have admitted my son to school and thus I need to take him to school in the morning and bring him back at noon.

Therefore, it would be convenient for me if I am placed on a shift from [insert time, e.g.: 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.] so that I may have sufficient time available to attend to the family matters.

Awaiting a prompt response, I remain at your disposal for any questions or clarifications that may arise.

Thank you in advance for your attention and understanding.

Best regards,

Handwritten Signature
(Name of the Signatory)

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