Thursday, March 11, 2021

With lots of offsets and deep red flowers, the  Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz" looks phenomenal and this tiny cactus could be the perfect choice for any cacti aficionados to enrich his/her collection.

About this Cactus

This is very easy to grow cactus and it grows well both in gardens and indoors. Like all cacti, this succulent is very forgiving and requires little care to keep it alive. Chamaelobivia ‘Rose Quartz’ happens to be a hybrid between Chamaecereus (Peanut Cactus) and Lobivia. It is a miniature plant that is capable of producing innumerable offsets plus prolific blooming during the spring season. However, it is a columnar cactus without any branches.The flowers are big, intense pink or bright red colour. The best part is that it can bloom indoors if all conditions are met.

This plant doesn’t need regular fertilization and it is very resistant to pests or even soft rot. In the best conditions, the cactus grows pretty fast.

Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz" Care

Tips for the caring of Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz"

As we have told earlier, this plant will forgive you if you are a negligent gardener. However, to ensure maximum offset production and blooming you need to take into account the following factors:

Water Requirements

Water this plant following the same basic rule you follow for other cacti. Let the soil completely dry out between each watering. Always touch the substrate surface with your finger (under one inch) to feel the soil moisture. If the soil feels dry then water it thoroughly until water discharges through the potholes. But do not over-water because waterlogging may encourage root rot.

A piece of strange information about the Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz" is that it becomes dormant in the scorching summer heat. The reason is that the original Chamaecereus is native to the cooler mountainous regions of South America.

Although this cactus is drought resistant, it will be wise to water it regularly during the growing seasons to keep it active. Especially, in summer watering once every 3-4 days or every seven days is recommended depending upon the placement. For example, if kept indoors then you will need to water less frequently. Moreover, the pot’s material is also does matter. Clay pot absorbs water and dries the soil pretty fast. In such a case you might require regular watering.

But the conclusion is that you are not allowed to let the water stand in the soil for a prolonged period. Again, researches show that compared to other Echinopsis species, this particular cactus requires a bit more watering.

During the winter season, the Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz" will become dormant, so you will need to water it in a more controlled way. Keep the plant dry and water only if it looks too dehydrated or feeble.

Lighting Requirements

The Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz" needs full sun or artificial light shade in order to reach maximum size, produce more offsets, flowers and above all to maintain dense spines. It will also grow moderately well in a partially sunny spot. However, these cacti can’t withstand direct sunlight; shade must be placed to protect them from sunburn.

Soil Preparation & Potting

Lighter and well-draining soil is a must requirement for this cactus. You can use the commercial mix available in the market for succulent and cactus. However, it is always better to make your own soil mix. The growing medium must contain the following;

  • Coarse sand – 1 Part
  • White sand – 1 Part (optional)
  • Garden soil – 1 Part
  • Crushed stones – 1 Part (optional)

This cactus grows up only 6-7 inches tall, so you don’t need a much bigger pot. You can use either clay or plastic pot. But a plastic pot is the best choice as it will decrease the need for frequent watering. Whichever pot you select be sure that it has enough holes to drain out the excess water. Now you have to fill the pot with three types of materials to ensure proper drainage:

  1. Bottom layer: fill the bottom part of the pot with ½ inch gravel.
  2. Middle layer: fill this layer with at least ½ inch of coarse sand.
  3. Top Layer: Fill this layer with the cactus mix.


You can repot the Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz" whenever you wish. In fact, frequent repotting will give you a better understanding of the condition of the roots. Generally, most people repot a plant when it outgrows from the existing pot. You can repot your cactus every year during the spring or the beginning of the summer. But the plant must not be watered for about a week after repotting.

Cold Tolerance

It is moderately tolerant to cold and frost. It can survive under 0 °C temperatures for a short period, provided the soil is dry. During winter it is wise to bring it indoors to protect it from extreme cold and frost.

Like many other cacti, the Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz" also goes to a dormant state in the winter.


The Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz" is very easy to grow. It could be grown either from seeds or stem cutting. However, the latter technique is a preferred method. Always select a healthy stem for effective propagation. Watering the mother plant a few days before stem cutting is very important. In this way, the plant will have the chance to hydrate and build up water reserves. Well-hydrated cuttings have more chances of growing roots.

Now select your stems and cut them with a sharp disinfected knife. Then take a tray filled with dry coarse sand and lay the cuttings over it for 2-3 days to let cut ends heal. You can spray 70% isopropyl alcohol in the cut ends to prevent fungal or bacterial growth. Keep the tray in a bright place but protect it from direct sunlight and rainwater. Remember, the cuttings will rot if planted without healing.

When the cut ends are fully dried then choose a fast-drained cactus substrate and burry at least one inch of the stem underneath the soil. Wait for 2 days before watering the cuttings. Always check the soil moisture before watering. You should water abundantly whenever the soil dries completely. After 2-3 weeks roots will start developing. When the roots are fully developed then finally plant them in your preferred pot.

Quick Facts

  • Common Names: Chamaelobivia "Rose Quartz", Peanut Cactus, Echinopsis “Rose Quartz”
  • Category: Cactus/Succulent
  • Scientific Name: Echinopsis chamaecereus
  • Synonyms: NA
  • Family: Cactacea
  • Genus: Echinopsis
  • Origin: South America
  • Habitat: Mountainous regions
  • Life Span: Perennial
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Growing Season: Late spring and summer
  • Leaf Color: NA
  • Blooming Time: Late spring and early summer
  • Flower Color:  Pink/red
  • Fruits: NA
  • Dormant Time:  Winter/ extreme summer heat
  • Height: 6-7 inches
  • Width: NA
  • Exposure: Full sun
  • Maintenance: Low
  • Drought Resistant: Yes, moderately
  • Water Needs: Low
  • Frost Tolerant: Moderate
  • Toxicity: Non-toxic
  • Humidity: NA
  • Temperature: -5 °C to -7 °C
  • Propagation: Seeds or cuttings
  • Planting Time:  NA

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