Refund Request Letter to the Supplier
April 2, 2017
Name of Addressee
Sub: Refund of Money Due to Delayed Delivery.
Dear Sir,
We ordered [insert quantity] bags of cements vide Work Order No: [insert reference number], dated [insert date] from your reputed company. Accordingly, we paid [insert amount in numeric] [insert amount in words] in cash along with the Work Order.
As per clause [insert number] of the aforesaid Work Order you were conditioned to deliver the ordered goods in our designated site on [insert delivery date] without fail. However, it is regretted that you failed to comply with the deadline. Consequently, our construction work remained halted for [insert number] consecutive days.
In order to uphold the pace of work, and more importantly to make up for the financial loss, we made an alternative arrangement for cement yesterday. Fortunately now our work is running on its full swing.
Since we don’t need any cement for the time being, we would like to cancel the subject order and request for a refund of cash.
Your prompt co-operation in the above matter shall be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
(Name of Signatory)
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