Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Natural honey is one of the purest, most natural foods with the greatest amount of benefits on our health.

Thanks to its contribution of antioxidants and other nutrients, organic bee honey can help us both internally and externally, so it is convenient to take advantage of its properties.

5 reasons to add honey in your every day diet

The natural honey is a product with many benefits for health. Unlike the industrial one, it is not pasteurized and has not been subjected to processes in which it loses many of its beneficial properties.

Through pasteurization, the product is prevented from crystallizing and it is managed to retain a fresh appearance for longer. However, the procedure involves the destruction of its enzymes, antioxidants and many other nutrients that make it healthy.

Although it is a bit more expensive and difficult to acquire, natural or organic honey is one of the best options. The reasons? We will tell you about them below.

Five reasons to add natural honey in the diet

1/5- Regulates blood sugar

It seems strange, but it is. The secret is in the fructose and glucose balance. When honey is consumed, the fructose portion allows glucose to be taken up by the liver to form glycogen which becomes available to the brain, heart, kidneys and red blood cells. This improves the functioning of essential organs and tissues, removing glucose from the circulation and therefore lowering blood sugar.

2/5- Reduces metabolic stress

Emotional, psychological, or physiological stress transforms to metabolic stress in the body. It occurs when the brain thinks it is in danger of running out of fuel - when exercising or during nighttime sleep, for example.

Natural honey produces glycogen in the liver: an energy reserve that the brain needs for its normal functioning. We will have sufficient glycogen stores if we consume natural honey at breakfast, before going to bed and at regular intervals throughout the day (especially before and after exercising).

3/5- Promotes sleep recovery

The natural sugar contained in honey produces a slight secretion of insulin, which allows the secretion of melatonin, a vital hormone for the daily regulation of sleep and wakefulness. For this reason, it is advisable to consume warm milk with a tablespoon of honey before going to bed.

Melatonin also regulates heart rhythms, helps to improve immunity and facilitates the rebuilding of tissues during the night.

4/5 - Fight constipation

Honey has a high content of fructooligosaccharides (FOS), although they mainly have an energetic function, when they reach the colon they behave in a similar way to vegetable fiber.They capture water by increasing the volume of stool and cause gases that increase peristalsis or intestinal mobility. This is why they have a mild laxative effect.

In addition, it is the preferred food of the beneficial bacteria that inhabit the colon (our intestinal flora) responsible for the fermentation and putrefaction of food waste that will give rise to stool.

5/5- Improves brain function

In order for the brain to function properly, it must be supplied with energy. The function of calcium in the brain is extremely important since neurons use calcium to originate the electrical signal that is conducted from one neuron to another to communicate messages. If there is not enough calcium, the brain does not work properly. There is scientific information that shows that natural honey helps to absorb and fix calcium in the body, promoting proper brain function.

To conclude

Honey is a good ally for certain stages of life, and of the day. It benefits athletes, growing children, older adults, people with forced labor or those who have an extra intellectual load, since it provides an additional dose of energy that is consumed quickly and easily. It can be used by people who are losing weight, if they control the amounts.

The only exception is babies: It is advisable to consume it from 18 months of age, since the composition of honey can bring a toxin that the gastric juices of children cannot dissolve, which could ultimately cause botulism.

Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

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