Sunday, September 13, 2020

Life plant leaves are more or less known to everyone. It is also known by other names such as leaf of life, air plant, Goethe plant, cathedral bells, and flower of earring. Its botanical name is Kalanchoe pinnata Pers. This leaf has been used in medicine since ancient times. It is very useful for treating various health problems. Let us see in detail the benefits of life plant.

8 Health Benefits of Life Plant

Life plant is the cure for many diseases

1/8 Removal of kidney stones

Life plant helps to remove kidney and goiter stones.

2/8 Eliminates flatulence

In case swollen stomach and stuck urine, heat up one or two teaspoons of life plant leaf juice with sugar and mix it with water and drink it.

3/8 Epilepsy problems

If someone is suffering from epilepsy, apply 2-10 drops of life plant leaf juice in the mouth. This juice will cure the disease as soon as it enters the stomach.

4/8 Abdominal pain in children

To alleviate abdominal pain in children, take 30-60 drops of life plant leaf juice and massage in the abdomen.

5/8 Beneficial for the skin

Life plant leaves contain a lot of water, which is quite beneficial for the skin. It also works great in solving skin burn problems.

6/8 Piles problem

Drink the life plant leaf juice mixed with black pepper. It will relieve piles and hemorrhoids.

7/8 To cure jaundice

Rely on this leaf to get rid of any liver-related problems. Juice prepared from fresh life plant leaves is useful in curing jaundice.

8/8 Body burns

If you are suffering from body burns, mix two spoons of life plant leaf juice with half a cup of hot water and drink it twice a day.

Also drinking the juice of life plant leaf helps in controlling high blood pressure and relieves bladder problems.

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