Letter for Growing Awareness about Fire Safety
Date: April 2, 2019
Name of Tenant
Flat No: [insert number]
Sub: Awareness about Fire Accidents.
Dear Tenant,
Fire accidents are dangerous and often fatal since they cause irreversible damages to life and property. During the winter season the probability of fire accident increases considerably. Incidentally, lately the devastation caused by twin fire accidents utterly shocked the entire nation. The loss of valuable lives properties: both private and national, rang a bell in our mind for growing awareness about fire accidents.
History evinces that in most cases fire occurs due to negligence, although unexpected accidents do occur as well. In the former case, a slight carefulness might help avoiding fatal consequences. Keeping this scenario in mind, we would request you to be cautious and take preventive measures, such as the following, to avoid fire accidents:
Please also try to grow awareness amongst your neighbors about the precautionary steps to be followed for avoiding fire accidents. In this way, our united awareness may help minimizing the occurrence and destruction of fire.
- Do not smoke in bed or couch.
- Don't dry clothes over or near the stove.
- Turn off the gas stove when not in use.
- Keep candles away from furniture, clothes and curtains.
- Don’t overload an electric socket with multiple plugs.
- Do not use faulty electronic appliances.
- Store all flammable chemicals away from fire.
- Make a routine check if the fire hydrant is functioning.
- Most importantly, call the fire service soon after detecting fire.
Wishing your safety and longevity.
Handwritten Signature
(Name of Signatory)
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